Public forum in collaboration with Tan Kah Kee Foundation and the Goh Loo Club, July 2017

In July 2017, Ang Chin Moh Foundation tied up with Tan Kah Kee Foundation Alumni Series and the Goh Loo Club to host a public forum on death, dying and the funeral profession in Singapore. Titled “Is Death dead?: Locating Death in Singapore”, this public forum provides a platform for the audience to better understand the issue of death from a multi-disciplinary approach, to actively engage the issue of death in our daily lives. It is hoped that through this public forum, attendees would come to realise that the material and analytical reality of death is part of a larger body of knowledge ranging from class, design, gender, literature, photography, philosophy, religion, history, linguistics and various other sources of representation. Death in fact serves as an important agent in helping us to better understand ourselves and by extension, the context in which our society lives, play and manages its affairs.

Recognized once again for its knowledge and expertise, Ang Chin Moh Foundation was represented by its project executive, Mr Bernard Chen. He was honoured to be able to share the stage with Mr Tan Keng Leck from the Goh Loo Club, Mr Bob Lee, a professional photographer and Mr Raymond Hon, a graduate student at the National University of Singapore.

Ang Chin Moh Foundation  hoped that through open public discussions such as this, death can be accorded the attention that it sorely requires and that there would be greater understanding of the funeral profession as an essential public service, participants of the forum can be empowered and equipped to further engage and educate themselves about death.


2017年7月,洪振茂基金与陈嘉庚基金会和吾庐俱乐部联合主办一场探讨临终、死亡和新加坡殡葬业发展的公共教育讲座。这场寻找死亡的踪迹》的讲座,提供了一个平台让参与者从不同学术层面, 如:阶级、设计、性别、文学、摄影、哲学、宗教、历史、语言学来钻研死亡在我们生命中所扮演的角色。通过死亡教育这个媒介,我们能更进一步地了解我们自己,并且延伸性地了解新加坡社会的景况和往后社会发展的前后关系。 洪振茂基金讲座是从国家和社会的角度,分享了目前整体临终关怀以及殡葬行业的现状明显的不足、缺陷以至令人堪忧之处。他指出,不但是生命个体对于死亡认知不足,即便国家与社会也因为习俗、疏忽而对殡葬业缺少整体的前瞻与规划。基金会非常荣幸能与延庆寺主席陈庆力先生、新加坡国立大学设计与环境学院工业设计项目博士生韩瑞民先生和前《联合早报》摄影记者李欣赏先生共享这个非常有意义的平台。 洪振茂基金希望通过类似的公共论谈赋予这个社会课题更多的注意力,也让更多参与者认知殡葬业在社会里所扮演的重要角色,从中鼓励更多国人能开朗畅谈死亡这个课题。