
Ang Chin Moh Foundation also focuses on more direct and impactful outreaches to increase the death literacy rates of tertiary students. At the invitation of the University Scholars Programme (USP), National University of Singapore (NUS), Ang Chin Moh Foundation was invited to speak about death management and the funeral profession in Singapore under their flagship programme on 7 March 2017. Titled The Sessions, it is a platform for USP students to host discussions with distinguished speakers, exchange ideas and opinions on contemporary issues. Some of the speakers that had previously graced this programme include former Foreign Minister of Singapore, Mr George Yeo, Minister for Environment and Water Resources, Mr Masagoes Zulkifli, Nominated Member of Parliament, Mr Azmoon Ahmad, Constitutional law specialist, Dr Kevin Tan, and Dr. Gilian Koh, Deputy Director, Institute of Policy Studies. Indeed, it was certainly a recognition of the expertise and ideas that Ang Chin Moh Foundation offers in death and funerary studies that it was able to bring its public educational message to the next generation of Singaporeans.

Ang Chin Moh Foundation was also invited as a “human library” speaker for a two-day photo exhibition, Bidadari and Beyond: A Photo Exhibition, hosted by photojournalism students from the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) held on the first weekend of April 2017 at the National Library. This photo exhibition explores the Bidadari neighbourhood’s journey as it transits from a quiet neighbourhood into a bustling residential hub and as Bidadari was once the site of the largest Jewish cemetery in Singapore, Ang Chin Moh Foundation was invited to share our perspectives on the evolving relationship between the living and the dead in Singapore with attendees of the exhibition and members of the public.


洪振茂基金把注意力和资源放在提升高等学府学生的死亡意识度。2017年三月,洪振茂基金在受University Scholars Programme的邀请下,有机会与课程内学生分享关于死亡和殡葬业在新加坡的管理和未来发展。称之为 《The Sessions》,这是一个学生们和不同领域专才的人士切磋并且交换意见的平台。曾经邀请新加坡前外交部长杨荣文,现任环境及水源部长马善高,官委议员Azmoon Ahmad 先生,新加坡国立大学法学院教授, Kevin YL Tan 先生和新加坡政策研究所副主任 Dr Gillian Koh。这也验证了洪振茂基金在殡葬和死亡教育领域里所持有的专才和思维。 洪振茂基金也在2017年经南洋理工大学黄金辉传播与信息学院新闻摄影系的学生在国家图书馆所举办的摄影展览 《Bidadari and Beyond: A Photo Exhibition》的邀请担任《人体图书馆》的主讲员之一,与大众分享生与死在新加坡不断在演变的巧妙关系。这次的摄影展览主要是要追溯比达达利区在新加坡的发展,从当年本地最大的犹太坟地演变至今日的住宅区。