Pantang: Perspectives and Realities of Mortality

Pantang: Perspectives and Realities of Mortality was an interactive and experiential exhibition that attempts to discuss the significance of death and remembrance of identity to different individuals through a multidimensional “living funeral” during the 2017 School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Graduation Show, held over a three weeks period in May 2017. It all started when Ngian Xuan Rong, a year 4 student approached Ang Chin Moh Foundation with her idea proposal. Finding it meaningful and innovative and after a series of ideation and consultation, Ang Chin Moh Foundation proceeded to support her proposal.

Through the play of perspectives and stimulation of different realities of mortality, this exhibition opens a discourse around cultural practices, remembrance and respect of our individuality; for who we are is intrinsically tied to our own life and death. Through the exhibition, the taboo of death is being deconstructed and viewers will be led to confront their identity as they explore the different dimensions of life and death. This exhibition hopes to promote death literacy through stimulating experiential spaces and images revolving around the idea of death in Singapore. Over the course of three weeks, this exhibition was opened to not only students from the School of Art, Design and Media, their families and friends but also members of the public.


南洋理工大学艺术媒体与设计学院的毕业生严宣融,在毕业展上为自己办了一场“丧礼”,邀请参观者体验躺在棺材里的感觉,并写下他们对生死的看法以及人生的遗憾。这场毕业展《禁忌》具互动和体验性的毕业展主要想探讨的是死亡和缅怀的意义。洪振茂基金对宣融的计划非常感兴趣,符合了该基金的合作模式,因此决定鼎立支持赞助这份毕业作品。 通过透视死亡的不同观点,这场展会开启了参与者与死亡在不同层面的交流;如:文化习俗,缅怀至亲的方式等。这场展会也解析了死亡这个课题所牵带的禁忌,设法让参与者更好地面对死亡在生命里所扮演至关重要的角色。通过这份毕业作品,洪振茂基金也希望能提高国人的死亡认知度。虽然只是短短的三周,这场展会吸引了不少参与者,其中包括学生和他们的家人和广泛的大众人士。